球, WBCSD’s packaging sustainability framework, now available in Chinese

发表: 2022年8月3日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦,8月3日 ——2022年7月29日, the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) launched a Chinese version of 球: the packaging sustainability framework2022 Green Recycled Plastic Supply Chain Forum 在中国重庆. WBCSD中国 Office and the Green Recycling Plastic Supply Chain Group (GRPG) jointly compiled the translation.

Around 40% of all plastic waste comes from packaging. 亚洲占 50% of global plastics production, with 29% made in China. 只有 9% of all plastic in the world is recycled. Most of the waste ends up in landfills or leaks into the environment.

在论坛上, 我叫Aimee Damen, 导演, 循环经济, WBCSD, 田严, Vice Chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association and Head of GRPG and 周卫东, 导演, WBCSD中国, spoke about how the 球 framework could help to address the environmental challenges of plastics and packaging.

我叫Aimee Damen 说, “通过结合现有指标, methodologies and databases in a single framework, 球 provides a holistic overview of all environmental impacts and their trade-offs. Companies can use 球 to choose the most sustainable packaging option for their needs, and reduce environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and the associated nature loss.”

周卫东 说, “的 Chinese version of 球 could be a vital tool for businesses in China in the field of plastic pollution control and circular plastics. By helping them reduce their environmental footprint and inform their long-term packaging sustainability strategy, the framework can help companies accelerate their progress toward net-zero and nature-positive targets.”

2022 Green Recycled Plastic Supply Chain Forum hosted policy and business discussions to build a circular plastics supply chain system and promote sustainable development in the industry.

的 球 framework defines packaging sustainability as maximum circularity and minimum environmental footprint while avoiding the presence of harmful substances.

If you are interested in learning more about 球 and our work on sustainable plastics and packaging, 请联系 Julie Cachat, Associate, Circular Plastics & 包装.

For questions about the Chinese version of 球, 请联系 周卫东, 导演, WBCSD中国.

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